The Call ~ Details ~ Being Together

The Experience ~ Schedule ~ Facilitators

Registration ~ Registration .pdf ~ Green ~ Payment


Thanks for wanting to share your talents and energy by facilitating an event or workshop during the Faerie Spirit Gathering ~ we look forward to it! We will be asking the participants to consider making a love donation to your good karma envelope, specially designed with you in mind.

This is the form to let us know some details about your facilitation in order to get it out there to the attendees and also to find out if you have any special needs or requirements. This is not the general registration form for the gathering, so please fill out that form too, if you haven't already. Of course, should you have any questions about facilitating, pick up that wand, twinkle your nose, and contact us.

Who am I?
Faerie or mundane name

Overall, I would call this a(n)        (if other, please describe)   

I am giving it this title   

Here is a 1-5 sentence description   

My ideal is for it to happen on (although I realize there are no guarantees I will get that day)
16 Thurs
17 Fri
18 Sat
19 Sun
20 Mon
no preference

My estimated minimum to maximum time required is   

My minimum number of participants required is   
My exact number of participants required is   
My target / ideal number of participants required is   
My maximum number of participants required is   

Participants need to sign up in advance
Participants can just show up
Participants can sign up or just show up

My participants will have some prep work  (if so, please describe)

These are special requirements I need for the space (optional)

These are other things I need from the Spirit Gath Hostesses

Thank you for
sharing your gifts!