The Call ~ Details ~ Being Together

The Experience ~ Schedule ~ Facilitators

Registration ~ Registration .pdf ~ Green ~ Payment


Thank you so much for registering in advance!

If you're planning to pay part of all of your registration now, please read on.

If you prefer to mail in a check or money order, please make it out to
"Kawashaway Sanctuary" and send it to:

Faerie Spirit Gathering
c/o Kawashaway Sanctuary
P.O. Box 6341
Minneapolis, MN 55406

We accept online payments through PayPal to securely and instantaneously receive credit card and electronic check transfer payments. We can accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. There is no charge for you to sign up or to send money. Your credit or bank account numbers remain confidential through your PayPal account.

Make your calculations based on the list below:

To register according to the suggested contributions
$75 - $150, more if you can, less if you can't

To help others with limited incomes attend

$28 per day, or intuit your own amount

To cover the costs for accepting online payments

You may optionally add in a processing fee. Figure 2.9% + 30¢ of your total, or intuit your own amount

Enter your amount in the blank field and choose the button below left to make your secure payment:
